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L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., ATM Networks Performance Modelling and Analysis, vol. 2, D. Kouvatsos, Ed. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996, pp. 400–413.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., Charging of the ABR Service in ATM Networks, in Proc. of the 6th Open Workshop on High Speed Networks, Stuttgart, Germany, 1997, pp. 111–118.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., Charging of the ABR Service in ATM Networks: A numerical Example, looking .forward, a Supplement to Computer, 1998.
J. M. Barcelo-Ordinas, Garcia-Vidal, J., and Casals, O., Comparison of models for the multiplexing of worst case traffic sources, in First Workshop on ATM Traffic Management, WATM, Paris, France, 1995, vol. 95.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., Dimensioning of the CDVT in the Conformance Definition for the ABR Service in ATM Networks, in Proc. of the 5th Open European Summer School, EUNICE'99, Barcelona, Spain, 1999, pp. 71–76.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., Dynamic and Static Charging of the ABR Service in ATM Networks, in Proc. of the GLOBECOM'98, Sydney, Australia, 1998.
J. Garcia-Vidal, Barcelo-Ordinas, J. M., and Casals, O., An exact model for the multiplexing of worst case traffic sources, in Proceedings of the Sixth IFIP WG6. 3 Conference on Performance of Computer Networks: Data Communications and their Performance, 1996, pp. 3–17.
L. Cerdà-Alabern and Casals, O., Experimental Analysis of an ER Switch for the ABR Service in ATM Networks, in Proc. of the IV Jornadas de Informática, Gran Canaria, Spain, 1998, pp. 449–458.
L. Jaussi, Barcelo-Ordinas, J. M., Louis, S., and Casals, O., Experimental evaluation of CDV impact on ATM resource management, European transactions on telecommunications, vol. 7, pp. 407–421, 1996.
C. Blondia, Casals, O., Cerdà-Alabern, L., den Wijngaert, N. V., Willems, G., and de Cleyn, P., Low Latency Handoff Mechanisms and Their Implementation in an IEEE 802.11 Network, in Proc. of the 18th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC): ``Providing Quality of Sevice in Heterogeneous Environments'', Berlin, 2003, vol. 5b, pp. 971–980.
J. M. Barcelo-Ordinas, Garcia-Vidal, J., and Casals, O., Worst-case traffic in a tree network of ATM multiplexers, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 507–516, 2000.