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M. Fiore and Barcelo-Ordinas, J. M., Cooperative download in urban vehicular networks, in Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems, 2009. MASS'09. IEEE 6th International Conference on, Macau, China, 2009.
O. Trullols-Cruces, Fiore, M., and Barcelo-Ordinas, J. M., Cooperative download in vehicular environments, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 663–678, 2012.
O. Trullols-Cruces, Barcelo-Ordinas, J. M., Fiore, M., Casetti, C., and Chiasserini, C. F., A Max coverage formulation for information dissemination in vehicular networks, in IEEE International Conference onWireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications, 2009 (WIMOB 2009) , Marrakech, Morocco, 2009, pp. 154–160.
M. Gramaglia, Trullols-Cruces, O., Naboulsi, D., Fiore, M., and Calderon, M., Mobility and connectivity in highway vehicular networks: a case study in Madrid, Computer Communications (Elsevier), vol. 78, no. 15, 2016.
M. Reineri, Casetti, C., Chiasserini, C. F., Fiore, M., Trullols-Cruces, O., and Barcelo-Ordinas, J. M., RSU Deployment for Content Dissemination and Downloading in Intelligent Transportation Systems, in Roadside Networks for Vehicular Communications: Architectures, Applications, and Test Fields, R. Daher, A. Vinel (Editor), Information Science Reference - IGI Global, 2012, p. 93.
O. Trullols-Cruces, Fiore, M., and Barcelo-Ordinas, J. M., Understanding, Modeling and Taming Mobile Malware Epidemics in a Large-scale Vehicular Network, in 14th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM 2013), Madrid, Spain, 2013.
M. Gramaglia, Trullols-Cruces, O., Naboulsi, D., Fiore, M., and Calderon, M., Vehicular Networks on Two Madrid Highways, in IEEE International Conference on Sensing, Communications and Networking (IEEE SECON 2014), Singapore, 2014.
D. Borsetti, Casetti, C., Chiasserini, C. F., Fiore, M., and Barcelo-Ordinas, J. M., Virtual data mules for data collection in road-side sensor networks, in Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Mobile Opportunistic Networking (ACM/SIGMOBILE MobiOpp’10), Pisa, Italy, 2010, pp. 32–40.
O. Trullols-Cruces, Fiore, M., and Barcelo-Ordinas, J. M., Worm Epidemics in Vehicular Networks, IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing (TMC), vol. 14, no. 10, 2015.